Show up. Bring the rain.
It's raining today.
The outdoor spaces are so, so plentifully thriving, permeating rich colors against a gray sky -- firing down any notion that sometimes this earth is dry and barren. Grace covers every inch of creation, blanketing the entire surface area of all things just as rain does. It continues to root deeply and intricately into the earth's soil and human souls.
Personal. Intimate. Relentless. Undeserved. Alive. There's beauty in all of your corners, even the the dry and barren spaces awaiting the rain 🌿 || sinking deep - hillsong ||
Accept the call and be willing to go on adventures. Meet the people who arrive at your door with kindness. Humans love to hear your stories, they might crave to share their own. You can either turn around and flee, or let what shakes you to the bones with uncomfortable twinges change your heart.
Don't stay in the in-between. Move. Show up.