Posts tagged playlist
Rooting in the Ashes.

The earth is waking up again. Roots growing underneath the soil probably look like the weavings of my soul and my dear friends, the ground is breaking. I can feel it in resonating, vibrating through my bones. The blooms will grow, the rain will speckle the sidewalks. The earthworms will emerge after nestling away. 

It's Holy Week. We know that darkness is going to creep across the horizon soon, but do not fear because the sun will rise in just a few days. The grave will be empty and each lingering heart flicker will be resurrected. Hope will no longer be scattered because it'll be growing towards the sun. 

I made a little playlist for you if your heart is in need of the sun, the hope, the resurrection right now. Stay steadfast. Be rooted and let the earth hold you tight. Easter is coming, loves. 

A playlist featuring Rend Collective, NEEDTOBREATHE, John Mark McMillan, and others


Gift a bouquet of roses to your love, give fresh blooms to your sisters, forage in the bushes for flowers for yourself. Happy Valentine's Day, loves. You are worthy, brave, deeply beloved and cosmically lionhearted. Give yourself flowers today and put them on your wall so your sweet soul might enjoy their beauty. 

I made this playlist just for you and for me and for all of us this Valentine's night. I think there's a little something we could all hear within these words, no matter our plans for the evening. And while you listen, my soul and bones would be so very happy if you built yourself a flower wall. 

* pick up or forage a bouquet.
* take each individual stem, thank it for being unique and lovely.
* tear off a piece of strong tape in whichever color you choose.
* turn the stem upside down and tape it to the wall.
* do those steps until you have a flower wall in your space.
* remember you're loved each time you glance at the blooms as they dry.
* you will see just how beauty can be preserved.

Love you, Lionheart. Today and every day.


A playlist featuring Branches, Matt Pond PA, Colony House, and others